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Council Grove and Morris County has over 25 historic spots to learn about and visit.

Enjoy the quiet, friendly charm of this historic town while touring the downtown historic district, dining at local restaurants and shopping unique stores.  

CG main street west view.jpg
1. Kaw Mission Historic Site/Museum

1. Kaw Mission Historic Site/Museum

The Kaw Mission was built in 1851 as a school for boys from the Kaw (Kanza) American Indian tribe, for which the State of Kansas is named. Learn about early Euro- American and Native American cultures at this Kansas Historical Society site. 620.767.5410

2. McKinley/Old Bell Monument

2. McKinley/Old Bell Monument

From1866 to 1884, the Old Bell served as an alarm, church, and school bell. The stone monument capped by the bell was erected in 1901 in memory of President McKinley.

3. Hermit's Cave

3. Hermit's Cave

The Italian priest Giovanni Maria Augustini lived in this cave for 5 months in 1863. That fall, at age 62, he left Council Grove with a wagon train and walked the 550 miles to Las Vegas, New Mexico.

4. Last Chance Store

4. Last Chance Store

This store was built in 1857 and is the oldest remaining commercial building in Council Grove. For a time, it was the last place to purchase supplies en route to Santa Fe, providing it the nickname by which it has long been known. Kansas Historical Society site.

5. Terwilliger Home

5. Terwilliger Home

Built in 1861, this was the last Council Grove home Santa Fe freighters passed on their journey west. Authentically restored, it houses the Trail Days Café & Museum, where the food is part of the historic experience. Also on this site: an 1858 log house, a 1902 schoolhouse, a 1947 market building, and cabins built in 1930 and 1943.

6. Cottage House Hotel

6. Cottage House Hotel

Built is 1867. Beautifully restored to the eras of 1881 and 1913 additions.

7. Farmers and Drovers Bank

7. Farmers and Drovers Bank

Built in 1892 with Romanesque arches and a Byzantine dome.

10. Hays House

10. Hays House

The oldest continuously-operating restaurant west of the Mississippi River. One of the 8 Wonders of Kansas Cuisine.

13. Guardian of the Grove Statue

13. Guardian of the Grove Statue

This bronze statue of a Kaw (Kanza) Warrior honors the Kaw (Kanza) American Indian tribe. It was created in 1998 by Council Grove artist Mark Sampsel and was authorized by the Kaw Nation.

14. The Madonna of the Trail

14. The Madonna of the Trail

This statue of a pioneer woman and her two children was erected in 1928 by the Daughters of the American Revolution. It is one of 12 statues erected in each of the states through which passed the National Old Trails Highway.

15. Post Office Oak & Museum

15. Post Office Oak & Museum

From 1825 to 1847, Santa Fe Trail travelers left messages in a cache at the foot of this tree, to inform others of trail conditions, giving it its name, “Post Office Oak”. The tree died in 1990 and its stump has been preserved on the site. The adjacent stone house was built in 1864 as a residence, with a brewery in the basement. It now is a museum operated by the Morris County Historical Society.

18. Neosho Riverwalk

18. Neosho Riverwalk

This landscaped, lighted walkway is an ADA accessible sidewalk connecting the Kaw Mission and the Guardian of the Grove statue. On the east bank of the river is an overlook of the Neosho River Crossing. The natural rockbed of the Neosho River at this location was ideal for crossing by Santa Fe freighters and travelers. The crossing is also visible from the Main Street Bridge.

21. Memorial Heritage Park

21. Memorial Heritage Park

Allegawaho Memorial Heritage Park Located north of the intersection of X Ave. and 525 Road, this 158-acre park is being developed by the Kaw Nation. It was part of the last Kaw (Kanza) Reservation in Kansas before the tribe was removed to Indian Territory. A walking trail takes visitors past stabilized ruins. The Kaw Nation’s dance arbor was dedicated in 2015.

25. Santa Fe Trail Ruts

25. Santa Fe Trail Ruts

A wide swale created by Santa Fe travelers is located 0.6 miles south of the intersection of U.S. Hwy. 56 and 1400 Road, about 5 miles west of Council Grove. A Sign, “Santa Fe Trail Ruts”, near the fence marks the center of the swale. It is on private property and may be best viewed from the road in the spring after the range management burning.

History Site Brochure

Use this guide to the explore over 25 Historic Sites in Council Grove and Morris County in the beautiful Flint Hills.


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 116 Main Council Grove, KS

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